Healings & Readings

I found Devi’s treatment to be extremely relaxing and rejuvenating. I was comforted and enlightened by the messages she had to share and look forward to continuing my healing journey with her’ – J Robinson

Shamanic Reiki Healing

Reiki is an ancient healing technique channeled by Dr. Usui in Japan in the late 1800’s. Reiki is universal life force energy that is being...
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Egyptian Healing Codes

A sacred journey of healing from the blueprint of your soul, through celestial sounds and codes.  This system of healing was channeled by Thoth in...
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A journey into Self Master with the healing technique of Reiki. Learn all tecniques required to teach all levels of Reiki.

Akashic Oracle Reading

Devi Ma is a gifted channel and offers profound insights, spiritual practices and past life clarity from the Akashic Records of your Soul to support...
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Shamanic Sound Light Healing

Devi will caste a medicine circle working with the elements, nature spirits, animal kingdom and deva realms, ancient grandmothers, grandfathers.  Setting a healing intention that...
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Children & Teenagers

Conscious children, create a conscious planet. Our children and teenagers are becoming more and more sensitive to the spiritual energies on the planet.  Which can...
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Golden Ray DNA Upgrade

DNA Golden Ray Activation will align your etheric, physical emotional and mental bodies to hold the higher light frequencies of spiritual ascension that are being...
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Skype Sessions

Enjoy the benefits of receiving a healing in the comfort of your own home with a Long Distance Healing or Reading with Reiki to purify...
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I have been using Devi’s services for over 5 years and could not speak more highly of her Reiki, Massage and Channeled Guidance. Her commitment and integrity to her work is a gift to humanity.
I would highly recommend her to any of my closest friends and have done over the years. I am ever grateful for her for the part she has played in my evolution , Paul Hunt, Byron Bay xxxxx

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